Monday, July 21, 2008

7/21/08 E-mail

We received another e-mail from Daniel today. Last week it came before noon so we started getting anxious about noon today looking for it. It did not come until about 1:30; seemed like forever....
Here is a summary of what he had to say:
I still haven't got a bike. I called the office right before I wrote you to ask if they got it yet and they said no. So, I will mail you the reciept so you can take care of it because Iwould really like one so we don't have to put so many miles on the car. We are teaching an 18 year old girl who knows she wants to get baptized, she just doesn't know when. We are also teaching this one guy who really likes what we are teaching him, but just doesn't seem to be willing to go to church. I think there are about 140 people who go to church every week (in the Fairview Ward where he goes). There are a ton of inactives here in PA. If everyone was active we would have at least one more ward, if not two. Well there was a talk that Elder Holland gave and I wanted mom to read, but I forgot to write it down so I hope to tell you next week. Its just me and Elder Hoxer in this ward. We get feed about every night. Well, last week I went to Gettysburg for a few hours and I did stuff with one of the elders from there and that is such a cool place. We have to go there for the 4th of July. I know the day I will get home - June 21, 2010, just to let you know. So I guess I will be gone for more than two years - hahaha. Well, they are telling me I have to get off but i love you lots.
Elder Wesley

1 comment:

Dena said...

Wow! Daniel sounds like he is doing great! It looks beautiful in PA. It's great to hear that the members are feeding him well.