Monday, September 8, 2008

9/08 e-mail

Last week was hard but amazing all at the same time trying to get baptismal clothes and all that stuff was hard. We also had to make sure that everyone knew about the baptism because we had to change the time and all that stuff and so it was just hard. BUT it turned out really well. I baptized Jason and his son. I got the stuff you sent for them in time. Thank you so much. The book you sent for the little one - he loves it. He goes around and says that it is his favorite book. You would really like that family. If you think that they need anything else or want to give them anything, that would be nice. I also confirmed Andrew. Andrew is an amazing person. He wants to go on a mission. That will be so cool if he does! Just think, from me coming on a mission the Williams kids will go on a mission and they will bless people and Andrew will go on a mission and bless people and it started with the missionaries that taught you. So, from them they have blessed a lot of lives. That is really cool to think about. I wish that I could call you and tell you more of what is going on because it is hard to explain over e-mail. So, do you feed the missionaries much or see them much? well I need to start working on Darcy's e-mail. Love you lots, Elder Wesley

1 comment:

Dena said...

What a spectacular missionary! It's wonderful he was able to teach and baptize a family. Great job Daniel!