Sunday, September 27, 2009

9/27/09 update

Daniel is continuing to work at the mission office. One of his tasks has been to help get new cell phones for the missionaries. Mostly he helps take furniture out of apartments they are closing out, clean the apartment, and dispose of the items. Some of it they sell, some they take to the dump, which he described as being cool. He did not get to make the trip to Erie, they had a senior couple there take care of closing that apartment. In his last e-mail he asked for people to send him pictures electronically so he can upload them into his digital picture frame.

Friday, September 18, 2009

9/18/09 Update

Daniel was recently tranfered to Pittsburg to serve in the mission office. He is now living in Bethel Park and goes to the Pittsburgh 2nd Ward. While he will still get to do some teaching, his main responsibility at this time is assisting the senior couple with closing out apartments that are no longer needed due to the reduction of missionaries in this mission. In last week's e-mail Daniel commented on driving the mission's big 14 passenger van and pulling a trailer to help move stuff. They have 6 apartments to get closed out over the next month. One of them is in Erie, PA so he will get to go up there next week. He has also been helping get new cell phones for the mission to use. He said the new ward is nice. There were about 100 people there last Sunday which is a lot more than he has been used to lately.